Other Fees

When non-members such as CMA Alumni and ministers from other denominations need to conduct a wedding we provide these for a fee after we have considered the request. Therefore, we ask that you contact us with the reason for your request as a first step before applying for the licence here or paying for the licence below.

Alumni Clergy Marriage Licence

CMA Alumni may apply for licences to solemnize marriages. Permanent licences are NOT available so each wedding will require a new licence fee.

CMA Alumni Clergy Marriage Licence - $187

Alumni Clergy Marriage Licence


Pay now

Interdenominational Clergy Marriage Licence

If your denomination has contacted us and arranged for you to obtain a clergy licence for a wedding outside their jurisdiction you may pay for the licence here. Permanent licences are NOT available.

Interdenominational Clergy Marriage Licence


Pay now

Other Payment Options

To pay for the above fees you can pay with credit card, Visa debit card, eTransfer, or cheque. Processing of your application will begin once funds are received. Credit Card and Visa Debit Card transactions are processed via the purchase buttons above. For other options see below.

  • e-Transfer

    Send e-Transfers to:



    Include a note telling us the name of the person and the fee that the e-Transfer is for.

  • Cheque

    Payable to:

    Christian Ministers Association

    Mail to:

    CMA, Box 2168, Sardis Stn. Main, Chilliwack, BC V2R 1A6


    Include a note telling us the name of the person and the fee that the cheque is for.