
  • The Heart of Membership

    With everything we say and do here at CMA, nothing is more important than for you to hear the sound of our heart in why we do what we do.

    Our early fathers and mothers, people of great faith and heritage, encountered the heart of the Father in ways they had never experienced before. A fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit changed their lives and ministries. A sincere desire to honour what God was doing among them, was the tipping point in their journey of faith. They began to meet together as like minded ministers for mutual encouragement and as a result, what we do today and why we do it, flow from a few simple concepts they modelled.


  • Walking Together

    CMA is an association whose leaders are members rather than their churches or ministries. It is our desire here at CMA that you become established and encouraged in your personal ministry to Christ and His Glorious Church.

    If we are able to serve you, we would be truly honoured. At this time we aree only able to serve members from Canada.

    In brief:

    A) As we are a relational fellowship of members, we first ask new applicants to connect and establish an ongoing relationship with a current CMA member.

    B) Secondly we request that you submit an application to our office once a relationship is in place with a current CMA member.

    C) Full acceptance in the CMA occurs at our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. New applicants are accepted as presented to the membership by vote at that time.


  • How do i become an ordained minister?

    CMA welcomes both ordained ministers as well as lay or non ordained ministers. Ordination is not a distinction or status we require for membership. At the core of our culture, we hold to the Biblical reality of persons being set apart for the work of ministry both in a church context as well as outside the typical structure and form of a historical church setting.

    If you are applying for membership and would like to be ordained, or are already a member but not ordained, we ask that you first consult your recommender. It is important that ordination comes first from within your circle of ministry relationships. "It seemed good to us and to the Holy Spirit" is an important principle to follow. We encourage ordination by the ones who walk with you and witness to the reality that you serve the Kingdom of God as one gifted and qualified.

    If you would like the leadership of the CMA to walk with you during this process, or simply have more questions, please connect with us.


  • How Do I Solemnize Marriages?

    Membership in CMA does not automatically licence you to solemnize marriages in Canada. As a Member you may request a permanent licence to solemnize marrages* in the province in which you reside as well as obtaining temporary licences for each wedding outside your province of residency.We provide details on how to perform a wedding, who you may solemnize marriages for, our CMA marriage procedure, and how to obtain a Clergy Marriage Licence on a separate page.


  • Does CMA assist with church planting?

    Anytime we hear that someone wants to begin a Start up of any kind, church or para-church ministry, we get excited. Launching out in ministry is something we deeply value here at CMA. Our desire is to come along side when and where possible to help hoist your sails.

    We believe that Start ups in ministry belong solely to those carrying the passion and purpose of their dream. With that in mind we would love to connect and talk with you about your heart for ministry. If you would like to chat please let us know


  • Does CMA serve in other countries?

    The heart and core desire of CMA is to come along side of ministers seeking like- minded friends, fellowship, encouragement along with some helpful resources. Over the past years our primary service and focus has been to the nation of Canada. At our 2014 National Conference, CMA members voted to amended our constitution to return to our original church fathers desire to serve beyond the borders of Canada. Any minister in relationship with current members within the CMA are eligible for membership. If you reside outside of Canada and would like more information about membership, please ask us for more information.

    Membership is Only Available to those in Canada.